Monday, June 1, 2009

Visit to California

Brian had a charity event in LA over the weekend so of course Kendal and I joined him for the adventure. We got to tour around the beautiful Inland Empire, go to a ballet (Kendal LOVED seeing the girls dance in "tutus and sparkley dresses") and meet up with friends we haven't seen since we left Santa Clarita.

Here is a picture of Kendal and Aydan at the museum.
It's no surprise that Kendal spotted the train from a mile away so you can believe we were on it.

There's so much to look at at The Rainforest Cafe.

Just because she's 2-years-old doesn't mean I can't put her to work.

Kendal's happy face...


Life with Claire said...

fun trip!!! i was wondering where you went you traveler you! :) love the broom pic. i "let" claire swiffer with the dry cloths! ha!

The Pittman Family said...

The train looks like fun!!