Sunday, May 17, 2009


Over the weekend we headed for a quick getaway to Flagstaff. What's in Flagstaff besides beards and Birkenstocks? Not much, but we jumped at any excuse to take a trip (and Brian had to work a conference).

Kendal and I stumbled across the Armed Forces parade in downtown Flagstaff. Just as I suspected she totally loved seeing all the flags, the uniforms and marching and live music. But I have to say the funniest part of the parade was when a girl I haven't seen since Jr. High went by on the back of a convertible, she is the Mayor!

Later that afternoon Twinks and I had lunch outside and watched the trains blow their horns and go through town...what a day!

Twinks playing in the wood chips and climbing the rocks...a close third to the parade and trains.


francesca said...

Tendall is so cute! (as Emma says it) We need to get these girls together!

Anonymous said...

I love her comment of the week! BUSTED!! xoxo to the Bonjours!!