Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Every rose....

...has it's thorn. Ah, what started out to be a promising day (jumping bean class and seeing the Easter Bunny) took a drastic turn at lunch. After siting very patiently with the Easter Bunny it was time for lunch with friends. Kendal NEVER misses the carousel at the mall and ALWAYS wants to ride it...being the mean mom that I am I wanted her to eat first but she wanted to ride first. So, after giving her the choices she still managed to not listen so we had to leave the mall and our friends. She continued to scream the whole way through the mall and while approaching the car my bag full of uneaten $14 food broke and dropped all over the parking lot. While I shed a few tears on the way home I thought a good nap would help us both...well, it would've if she wanted to take one! After 45 minutes of screaming and two unsuccessful attempts, I packed her up and we headed to Target for some much needed distraction (great idea until the plastic bins fell on my face, karma?). We came home, did crafts and had a good time. While the day didn't turn out a total failure (she sat on the potty without her diapers and ate more ham than mac n' cheese for dinner - both HUGE for Kendal), I am ready for this day to end!!!


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for being the best mom in the whole wide world!!! Kendal and I love you very much. -BHB

Life with Claire said...

big hugs! :) days like these are never fun.

Anonymous said...

wow..what a day and you are so patient! I love your blogging and so tempted to start one for the two grandpas in Shreveport!

BTW...love the Easter bunny photo. Parker got all the way to the front of the decorated gates and then the bunny stood up and it was OVER for Parker. Convulsions and meltdown so we may try again another day! He loved him last year.